The Eclectic Exhibition

If you don’t have any plan next week, here is what you should go see. Curated by Mujo Objects, The Eclectic Collection at the Kinfolk Galle combines everyday objects made of glass, steel, ceramics and textiles to celebrate sculptural form and tactility. The collection expresses how somewhat understated, humble materials can gain new audacity when placed in the right constellation and context.

The Eclectic Collection features the Hibernation Rug by Sofie Genz—a woven piece consisting of wool, paper and silk. Selected for their unique properties, the rug’s materials vary between soft , reflective and smooth to create a sensory experience and contribute a warm atmosphere to the space. The Hibernation Rug also combines different weaving technics, creating a three-dimensional surface.


Monday – Saturday 10.00-17.00
Through June 12th.


Amagertorv 14, Level 1
1160 Copenhagen, Denmark




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